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+7 (495) 775 87 06
April 24, 2024 - June 15, 2024


Yuri Zlotnikov pop/off/art 2.0 at Bolshoi Palashevsky lane, building 9.

The pop/off/art gallery presents a personal exhibition “Neo-constructivism” by Yuri Savelyevich Zlotnikov (1930–2016), a classic of post-war unofficial art and a pioneer of Thaw abstraction. One of the goals of the project is to study the visual language of Yuri Zlotnikov in parallel with the large-scale exhibition “Signal System” in the halls of the State Tretyakov Gallery. The curator's focus is on the artist's late period (1980-1990s). The exhibition will feature about 20 works by the author from five series: “Neo-Constructivism”, “Spatial Construction”, “Rhythmic Construction”, “Polyphonic Composition” and “Abstraction”.

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Yuri Zlotnikov. Signal System
26 March 2024 — 14 July 2024

Yuri Zlotnikov. Signal System

Yuri Zlotnikov New Tretyakov, Krymsky Val, 10

Signal System is the artist’s main discovery that took up an important place in the history of Russian art of the second half of the XX century. This system is based on the performative practice being inspired by scientific achievements of the epoch in the field of mathematics, cybernetics, and psychology. The exhibition presents about 70 pieces from the Signal System series and about 2- Protosignals. The bulk of the works comes from the artist’s family collection, and 9 graphic pieces – from the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery.

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Rostislav Lebedev / Rough cuts

The catalog was released for Rostislav Lebedev’s exhibition "Rough cuts” which took place at MMOMA from November 9, 2023 to January 28, 2024. The name of the project referred to Lebedev’s artistic method. Unlike many authors who use subtle, hidden “montage” of ready-made images, he prefers the sharp dissonance of images, a sharp transition from one sign to another. It is precisely such “Rough cuts” that, according to the artist, are capable of carving new, fresh meanings from the simple fact of the meeting of two well-known images. More than 100 works by the author were presented in 9 halls, each of which was addressed to a specific artistic medium of Lebedev.

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Rostislav Lebedev / Rough cuts
Vitaly Pushnitsky's

Vitaly Pushnitsky's "Friday" is available in our store

A short philosophical essay opens the door to the artist's perception of what is happening in a confusing world. The text allows you to look into the thoughts of a man who finds himself on an island with himself.

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pop/off/art books and catalogues

pop/off/art represents publications released by the gallery team or with its support. Here you can find personal catalogues of our artists and monographs about them, catalogues of friendly projects and books by pop/off/art founder Sergey Popov. We are trying to expand our range with new publishing projects. Stay tuned!

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pop/off/art books and catalogues
Иван Симонов передал в дар растяжку-лозунг «Искусство лечит. Теперь вы здоровы» в фонд ЦСИ «Винзавод»
19 апреля 2023 Иван Симонов передал в дар растяжку-лозунг «Искусство лечит. Теперь вы здоровы» в фонд ЦСИ «Винзавод»

Дар принимала основатель Центра современного искусства «Винзавод», президент Фонда поддержки современного искусства «Винзавод» Софья Троценко от Ивана Симонова в присутствии совладельца галереи pop/off/art Сергея Попова.


Please contact us If you have any questions

Pop/off/art gallery doesn't review or accept new artists portfolios
